- Kells Pasture Site: A Native American Archaeological Site in the Connecticut River Valley
- Phase II Evaluation of Submerged Resources Monongahela River Pool
- Texas Parks and Wildlife Department Galveston Artificial Reef Survey Project
- Boston Harbor Long Island Bridge and Utility Corridor Replacement Project
- Lake Erie Crossing Millenium Pipeline Project
- Bayport Ship Channel
- Chesapeake Gas Appalachian Midstream
- Kentuckiana Farms Site
- Hoosier Energy Village Farm Site
- Willow Island Hydroelectric Plant
- Liberty Shorefall Pipeline Natural Gas Project
- Brent Spence Bridge
- J.M. Stuart Generating Station
- The Banks
- Cincinnati Streetcar Project
- Washington Park Restoration and Cemetery Excavation
- Lick Run Sewer Section 106 Support
- Tennessee Gas Pipeline 300 Line Expansion Project
- Northeast Upgrade Pipeline Project
- Roanoke Rapids and Gaston Hydropower FERC Relicensing Project
- Mid-Atlantic Connector Pipeline Corridor
- Dulles Section 106 Process Cultural Resources Support
- Rocky Mountain Express Pipeline
- Interstate 69 Corridor Evansville to Indianapolis
- Atlas-Ozark Pipeline
- Dulles Metrorail Effects Consultation
- US-Canadian Border Crossings Cultural Resource Inventory
- Fire Island
- Minute Man
- Ohio Statewide Cultural Resources On-Call Contract