Our Work | Archaeology


Gray & Pape’s team of archaeologists performs all aspects of archaeological work, including both research-oriented archaeology and cultural resource management (CRM) projects. The staff includes experts in both prehistoric and historical archaeology, as well as subdisciplines such as urban, industrial, and underwater archaeology, and paleoethnobotany, geoarchaeology and remote sensing. CRM services include pre-project planning and predictive modeling; Phase I survey, Phase II evaluation, and Phase III data recovery; and archaeological monitoring. Select services include:
  • Section 106 consultation
  • Phase I identification and evaluation of historic properties
  • Phase II assessment of project effects
  • Phase III development and implementation of mitigation measures
  • Agency and consulting party coordination
  • Predictive modeling and avoidance planning
  • Prehistoric/historic context development
  • Archaeological monitoring
  • Urban archaeology
  • Industrial archaeology
  • Underwater archaeology
  • Paleoethnobotany
  • Geoarchaeology
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