Our Work

Our Work

Gray & Pape is a small-business enterprise, with over 35 years’ experience specializing in a national and international practice that delivers cultural heritage management services to public and private industry clients. We represent the interests of our clients to state and federal permitting agencies in advancing cultural resource studies for NHPA/Section 106 and NEPA compliance. We support our clients to achieve their project and program goals while helping them to identify and manage cultural heritage opportunities and responsibilities. Our clients benefit from a diverse range of services that go beyond archaeology and public history to include cultural heritage program support, maritime archaeology, preservation planning, disaster management and recovery, community engagement and public interpretation, and collaboration with sovereign Indian tribes. We advise our international clients on how to align their projects with the Equator Principles and International Finance Corporation’s environmental and social performance standards. The firm’s professional staff is comprised of architectural historians, archaeologists, historic preservation planners, historians, and GIS specialists located in eight offices across the country. Each exceeds the Secretary of Interior’s Professional Qualifications Standards (36 C.F.R. 61) and are listed as qualified professionals on State Historic Preservation Office consultant lists across the country.


Gray & Pape Capabilities Statement

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