Gray & Pape spent last week at NASA’s Annual Meeting for Cultural Resources Managers, held at Kennedy Space Center in Florida. A key item on the agenda was the draft Agencywide Programmatic Agreement (APA) for the management of NASA facilities, an effort that Gray & Pape has supported since 2019. Together Rebecca Klein (NASA FPO), Chris Daniel (ACHP), and Emily Dabashinsky (HSG/NEMCON), Carrie Albee, shown here in front of KSC’s Vehicle Assembly Building (VAB), ran through test scenarios with CRMs to familiarize them with the proposed process. The APA will provide a tailored approach to Section 106 that acknowledges NASA’s specialized mission and the highly technical or scientific (HTSF) nature of its historic properties. For more information see NASA Agency-Wide Programmatic Agreement (APA) for the Management of NASA Assets | NASA.