Featured Projects
- Hoosier Energy Village Farm Site
- Rocky Mountain Express Pipeline
- Interstate 69 Corridor Evansville to Indianapolis
- Indiana Statewide Cultural Resources On-Call Contract
Additional Projects
- Bank Branch Development Section 106 Support
- Texas Gas Indiana Pipeline
- Canadian National Railway Radio Tower Project
- Lawrenceburg Boat Ramp Project
- Bloomington Public Transit Corporation Section 106
- State Route 9 Bridge Photo Documentation
- Indiana I-Light Project
- US 50 North Vernon Bypass – East
- Irvington Streetscape Project
- Henderson – Dogtown 8-inch Pipeline Project
- Countrymark Cooperative Petroleum Pipeline Survey
- Meadow Lakes Windfarm Project
- Markland Hydroelectric Dam Relicensing
- Big Four Bridge Approach Ramp
- Schlosser Property
- Lawrence County 59 Acre Survey
- Carmel Drive and Rangeline Road Roundabout
- City of Indianapolis Combined Sewer Overflow Project
- Southwind Site
- Camp Atterbury Evaluation
- Chapel in the Meadow at Camp Atterbury
- Water System Improvements
- Wesley Chapel SubStation
- Crane Naval Weapons Station
- State Route 25 Hoosier Heartland Project
- LaPorte County INDOT Unit Site
- Lawrence County Cogeneration Facility
- Anderson Railroad Study
- Belterra Casino Expansion
- Vincennes Railroad Relocation Study
- Wabash & Erie Canal Culvert 151
- US 231 Relocation Project
- State Route 39 White River Crossing Historic Marker