J.M. Stuart Generating Station
For more than 15 years, Gray & Pape has provided the Dayton Power and Light Company with on-going cultural resources management support at their JM Stuart Generating Station. The firm has successfully represented DP&L’s interests to state and federal permitting agencies in advancing cultural resources studies, developing treatment plans, preparing Memoranda of Agreement, and formulating other strategies for managing cultural resource permitting issues at the facility. Located along the Ohio River in Adams County, facility services have included alternatives analysis for siting studies, cultural resource identification and evaluation surveys, geomorphological and landscape reconstruction analyses, historic structures documentation, multi-site archaeological data recovery, and development of innovative mitigation strategies. Gray & Pape received the Ohio State Historic Preservation Office Public Education and Awareness Award for the publication 10,000 Years in Adams County. This document was prepared as a mitigation measure to provide the public with an account of the archaeological, architectural, and historical studies undertaken on behalf of DP&L.