History Architecture
- Cleveland Innerbelt Project
- Yarmouth Historic Properties Survey
- Willow Island Hydroelectric Plant
- Beech Ridge Wind Farm
- Nashua Manufacturing Company North Store House HABS Documentation
- Liberty Shorefall Pipeline Natural Gas Project
- Brent Spence Bridge
- The Banks
- Cincinnati Streetcar Project
- Washington Park Restoration and Cemetery Excavation
- Lick Run Sewer Section 106 Support
- Tennessee Gas Pipeline 300 Line Expansion Project
- Roanoke Rapids and Gaston Hydropower FERC Relicensing Project
- Dulles Section 106 Process Cultural Resources Support
- Quincy Historic Properties Survey Update
- Chatham Historic Property Survey
- Working in the Dry: Cofferdams, In-River Construction, and The United States Army Corps of Engineers
- Dulles Metrorail Effects Consultation
- US-Canadian Border Crossings Cultural Resource Inventory
- Norfolk Southern Rail Corridors
- Over-the-Rhine Green Buildings Initiative
- Ohio Statewide Cultural Resources On-Call Contract
- Transportation Tomorrow Transit Project
- Texas Central State Prison Farm
- Sault Ste. Marie International Railroad Bridge
- Virginia Statewide Cultural Resources On-Call Contract
- Bloodsworth Island
- Indiana Statewide Cultural Resources On-Call Contract